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How Hip Hop Has Changed In Recent Times

Egyptian king as a rapper

Recent changes in hip hop

Hip-hop, also known as hip-hop, is a music genre that began in African American communities in the Bronx, New York City, during the 1970s. Its repetitive beats, often created using drum machines or samples, and lyrics that address social and political issues characterize it.

Recent changes in hip-hop have evolved. In the past, DJs and MCs were the main focus of the genre, with DJs providing beats and MCs rapping over them. Now, producers play a more significant role in creating hip-hop songs’ beats and instrumental tracks.

A new trend in hip-hop is the use of melody and singing. Many hip-hop artists now include singing and melodic elements in their music, and tools like auto-tune are often used. This has led to the subgenre “trap,” which reflects the struggles of growing up in poverty and the drug trade.

The popularity of streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music has also had an impact on hip-hop. These platforms make it easier for indie hip-hop artists to gain exposure, which has led to greater diversity in the genre and more representation of different artists and styles.

Hip-hop has also become more political, with many artists using their music to address social and political issues. This has led to a greater awareness of social problems and a more politically active generation of hip-hop fans.

Hip-hop continues to change and evolve, and we can expect to see more changes in the future. However, one thing that remains constant is the genre’s ability to bring people together and give a voice to marginalized communities.

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